Saturday, July 27, 2013

Honor Level-Up: Previewing the ROH World Title tournament; Future of the American Wolves?

This has REALLY been the talk of the independent tournament. The tournament's filled with such big names as: Kevin Steen, Karl Anderson, Roderick Strong, Jay Lethal, Paul London, and the returning Brian Kendrick. Without a doubt, this should be the biggest event on the independent circuit. It really has everyone wondering who's the worthy winner, since almost everyone in this tournament has the capability of being a World Champion.

When coming to terms of who I think who would be in the finals, and who would win the whole entire thing: it's a toss-up between Strong, Lethal, Steen, Elgin, and London. 

  1. I would really like to see Paul London go one-on-one against Michael Elgin since they've haven't got the chance since London was injured at Border Wars in his match against Davey Richards.
  2. Michael Elgin & Jay Lethal are considered two of the best ROH wrestlers to never hold the World title. Lethal also has a chance to become a triple crown champion (being that he held the ROH World TV & Pure titles).
  3. I would really like to see Strong go to the top again. He's been in top-notch singles matches between Karl Anderson & Michael Elgin. It wouldn't hurt to see him become the second 2-time ROH World Champion (behind Aries).
  4. Even though Kevin Steen's first reign will always be controversial and exciting. I would like to see him make it AT LEAST to the semi-finals.
I'm really looking forward to seeing some of these matches on Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

American Wolves to TNA or WWE?

There has been some talk from some wrestling sources that Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards, known collectively as The American Wolves are currently deciding between TNA and WWE. Their contracts with Ring of Honor are expected to be up August 1st and they become free agents. Not sure what road they're going to take, but I'm sure that it would be good for both of them

  1. WWE: If they were to go to WWE, they would have to go through the developmental territory. Why? Because it wouldn't be fair for them to jump to the main roster when other former ROH wrestlers such as Kassius Ohno (Chris Hero) & Sami Zayn (El Generico), who have been there longer and have been waiting for their time for the jump to be passed over by the American Wolves. I would personally love to see them in WWE, because WWE's tag team division is suffering badly.
  2. TNA: Although TNA has a developmental territory (OVW), they may or may not bump them up to the main roster. Just like WWE, TNA also has a suffering tag team division. And I remember when they had Beer Money, Team 3D, Gen. Me, Ink INC, Mexican America, etc. If they were to be entered into their tag team division, it would bring some light as well, But, with all the financial problems that TNA has, they would likely choose WWE.
Check out this video clip recently posted about Davey Richards and Eddie deciding between WWE and TNA.

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