Friday, January 17, 2014

TNA Genesis/Mega Drive Part 1 Results for Jan. 16th, 2014

Tonight's TNA show is in tribute to Mae Young.

Rockstar Spud introduces Dixie Carter, who shows up and introduces Magnus, who also shows up. Dixie gloats over her triumph over AJ Styles, then brings out Magnus. He hands AJ Styles's lighter-toned world title belt to Dixie, as she is the real champion of TNA for forever and a day. Dixie brings out the Bro Mans (Robbie E, Jesse Godderz, DJ Zema Ion), Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels and Kazarian) and Lei'D Tapa. Dixie thanks them for their role in helping Magnus become the undisputed champion of TNA, and she calls tonight "the genesis of Dixie Carter's TNA." She promises to lock the beginning of this new era in by having Ethan Carter III defeat Sting tonight. Ethan Carter III shows up, but as soon as he is about to speak, the arena goes dark. A light is focused on Sting, who is in the audience with a black baseball bat in his hand.

After the break, Sting questions if "Dixie Carter's TNA" is TNA's future, and tells Dixie Carter she's crossed the line, especially with the "family emergency" that she used to get Kurt Angle out of the arena last week. Sting decrees that TNA is now a house divided, and a house divided cannot stand. Before this house comes crashing down, he and the faces of the locker room are fighting back, and that's exactly what they do! Both the faces and heels brawl, and the heels are tossed out of the ring. Sting takes the baseball bat to Ethan Carter III!

Samoa Joe and the good guys are ready to Rockstar Spud makes a 12-man tag match against Dixie's helpers that starts right now!

The good guys (Samoa Joe, ODB, "Cowboy" James Storm, Gunner, Joseph Park and Eric Young) beat the bad guys (Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Robbie E, DJ Zema Ion, Jesse Godderz, Lei'D Tapa) after Joe locks the rear naked choke on Daniels.

Austin Aries talks with Velvet Sky...then Chris Sabin shows up and becomes a complete tool about it.

Kurt Angle is looking for Dixie Carter...and he's not happy...

Chris Sabin wants to know from Velvet Sky why she's talking to Austin Aries...who shows up promptly to say he's told Velvet she doesn't have to deal with Sabin's crap. Aries challenges Sabin for the X Division title, with Velvet Sky out of the equation and in a cage at ringside. Sabin doesn't want to do it, but Velvet puts her foot down and accepts the stipulation...and says that if Sabin loses the title, he also loses her!

Kurt Angle is still looking for Dixie Carter...

Samuel Shaw is thanked by a random guy in the back for his debut match, then told to forget about making Christy Hemme his. Samuel Shaw beats the guy's ass.

Ethan Carter III chats with Magnus.

Bully Ray beats Mr. Anderson in a no-disqualification match as Anderson tries to light a table on fire.

Kurt Angle confronts Al Snow, but can't get answers out of him.

Kurt Angle shows up and wants answers from Dixie Carter. Dixie shows up and tries to lie her way out of it, but Kurt Angle won't have any of it, especially when she insults his intelligence. Angle says that when he beats Bobby Roode in his match tonight, he's rooting for Sting from ringside. Dixie postpones Angle vs. Roode for one week, and says that if anyone interrupts Sting vs Ethan Carter III, they'll get fired. Angle dares Dixie to fire him, as he plans to do the right thing. Dixie sics security on him, asking them to remove the "unstable" Angle. Angle is suddenly attacked from behind by Bobby Roode to make that easier.

Jeremy Borash interviews Madison Rayne, but Gail Kim and Lei'D Tapa attack Madison!

Madison Rayne beats Gail Kim to win the TNA Knockouts Championship!

Sting promises to beat Ethan Carter III tonight.

Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards - the American Wolves - will be here in TNA next week! A new TNA investor has signed their contracts, and Dixie Carter is peeved they were signed behind her back!

Rockstar Spud is the special guest referee for Sting vs Ethan Carter III!

Ethan Carter III beats Sting thanks to Magnus, who become the second ref and fast counts Sting. Sting then challenges Magnus to a fight.

Sting calls Magnus a disgrace and a cancer to TNA. He wants a shot at the world title, but Magnus brings up his forfeiture at any other world title shots at Slammiversary XI, and refuses. Sting taunts Magnus as he asks him if he wants to be king of the jungle, and Magnus then poses a wager, since Sting's contract is up for an extension. If Sting wins, he's world champ...but if Sting loses, he's out of TNA!

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