Saturday, October 19, 2013

Two Prominent Independent Wrestlers Retire From Professional Wrestling

As die hard independet wrestling fans know, two prominent figures of the circuit has retired from wrestling. Those two being "The Buzzsaw" B.J. Whitmer and Low Ki. Here are some details on how they reached their careers end:

(B.J. Whitmer, via

B.J. Whitmer- Although B.J. Whitmer is no stranger to severe injuries, this injury proved to be the one can't bounce back from. It all hit the fan at Ring of Honor's All-Star Extravanganza which was contested in the ROH World Championship tournament where he faced "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett. During the match, Bennett botched a piledriver on the apron, causing Whitmer to lose feeling from the neck-down. The match was then thrown out. On Spetember 20, 2013, he announced his retirement during an episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling, 13 years of hard work and dedication to the sport.

(Low Ki as Kaval, WWE NXT,

Low-Ki- In 15 years, Low Ki can truly say he's done it all. From winning prestigious tournaments to notoriously being stiff, he was really an exciting wrestler to watch. His illustrious career came to an end during a match for All Japan Pro Wrestling. He was severly injured and was pulled from wrestling in any AJPW shows. He then announced his retirement on Twitter on October 14th, 2013. It was then found out that he injured his abdominal.

In my opinion, these two are big reasons why independent circuit fans buy the tickets and go to the shows. Both were formidable competitors and sound technicians in the squared circle. The sad thing about this is that Low Ki is 34 and B.J, Whitmer is 36. Both are still young and not even at their primes yet. Either way, both left their marks on the sport of professional wrestling. Question is: What will their careers be like if the injuries hadn't taken their toll?

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