Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Lucha Underground Review 3/11/15

Sup, everyone and welcome to the March 11, 2015 edition of my Lucha Underground Review! First off, let me apologize for not giving you guys a review from last week,... to much was going on. As always, Lucha Underground continues to deliver high-octane matches and storylines. Tonight, some topics I want to cover are: Konnan's revenge, grave consequences, and history being made... again. Without further ado, lets get started.

Konnan's Revenge

Tonight, there was another vignette depicting Konnan's attack by Cage from several weeks ago and him in a Matrix-like rain scene with the slogan: "Revenge is coming." For one, I am very excited about his return, because this can only continue the story of Prince Puma, who is the "Pride of Boyle Heights" so to speak. Also, Konnan is definitely looking to gain retribution against Cage, who was responsible for busting Konnan's head open with his own cane, and putting him on the shelf in the first place. Speaking of Cage, he alreayd has yet another Lucha Underground title match under his notch, and he has somewhat of the psychological adantage going into his future title match. The real question is: When will Konnan return to get his revenge? I am thinking that it will possibly be during the title match between Cage and Puma, and he will leave the fans on their ends by making the shocking return.

Grave Consequences

... and the sadistic, yet sensual mental mind games of Catrina continues! Tonight, Catrina was slithering around backstage, further dismantling the mental states of both Fenix and maybe Mil Muertes. Lately, it seems that Fenix and Catrina are some sort of item, but as I said multiple times now. this may be a plot against fenix for defeating Mil Muertes. Catrina wants Fenix to take on the inevitable task of burying Mil Muertes, which sets up Lucha Underground's first-ever casket match next week! Catrina wants Mil Muertes to feel like the lonely boy that he was during the days of his dark childhood. If Fenix were to bury, Mil Muertes, Catrina may be satisfied with his work, but she may or may not continue to be mentally detrimental to Fenix's mind. However, if Mil Muertes were to bury Fenix, Catrina may go back to him, but against her own will. The possibilities are endless, and I am very excited that this match is set up for next week. Things were going to come to a head sooner or later.

History being made... again.

 Fans in the Lucha Underground Temple and at home witnessed Lucha Underground's first-ever Steel Cage Match between Johnny Mundo and King Cuerno, who developed a quickly-heated rivalry in just a few short weeks. This match was nothing short of an demolition derby, with both men using the steel cage as a lethal weapon; and taking each other to the absolute limit! Cuerno, who is usually seen as a high-flyer, really put on the heavy duty tonight, showing that he can be a powerhouse as well. Mundo wins with his signature End of the World maneuver from the top of the cage. The fans were roaring in appreciation, and this match had me on the edge of my seat. Lucha Underground has been on a roll with these classics as of late. And you can only imagine what will happens as 2015 rolls on.

Well, folks, that's it for this week's review! I will be back next week for another one (I mean it, everyone!!!). Until next week, keep on flyin'. LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA!

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